Sunday, October 9, 2011

To be a Caveman

I was finally able to go a night without electricity this past Thursday night. It was absolute torture! I hated being without electricity after about five minutes. I realized so much of our lives are based around energy and technology. I started at around 7:00 pm when I went into my room and turned everything off. I was so bored when I was sitting on my bed that I accidentally turned on the television for about ten minutes before i realized that just because I'm not using my lights in my room does not mean I completely cut out electricity. So I turned it my TV off and decided so just sit, and sit, and sit, and sit. What made the night even worse was that I had just received my brand new laptop in the mail that day, which meant I was not able to mess around with it. After two whole weeks of waiting, I had it in my hands, but I was still not able to play with it. One thing that did not completely let me experience the drought of electricity was that my doors in my room are glass, so every time someone walked by to turn the hallway light on my room would light up. My brother ended up doing it every 5 minutes just to agitate me. After a while he finally got tired of messing with me and just went back to his room. At about 9:30pm I was so tired of being bored (did not know that was possible) that I just had to try and fall asleep. I am guessing that it took almost half an hour to get to sleep. I was so relived the next morning that the torture was all over. What bothered me the most about the whole project was that I felt like I was not being productive whatsoever. I just realized I was using energy the whole time by using my battery operated clock on my wall. FAIL. That just means that it is completely impossible for me to go any amount of time without power.

Campus Curating Project.

This week the whole class become curators and when around campus to find natural art. There were many different ideas that were all great. The idea I liked the most was the frame that was made with the two palm trees. When looking through the tape window is seemed like there was a live picture that anyone was able to interact with.
 "What Authority?" (sorry for the bad quality)
Our group saw some track marks that the police made from driving on the concrete where all the students and faculty were only allowed to walk on. We decided to square it off because it seemed like a great example of authority that only some people are granted. The theme that we concluded on was simple. Every person throughout our country are all born mostly with equal power, but throughout their lives they gain more power. Some gain much more than the others. The tracks showed that only the police were able to drive on the campus without any problems, but if I went on campus with my vehicle then consequences would be suffered. Glenn made a great point that I didn't really notice when we were curating which was that it was protest art. It angers me why I am not able to have the powers that others have achieved. Glenn also pointed out the crack that was inside the square. This made me have a new idea that was not even thought of. The crack almost represents the anger or jealousy of the track marks by causing a distraction while looking at the the piece. I think it's funny how Glenn was able to explain my feelings better than I was able to express them. So THANKS! This piece just makes you think how this world operates.